Instant Cash for Used Trucks Service
Whenever you need to sell your used truck for cash in order to buy a new truck. Our cash for used trucks Melbourne service will surely help you. Through this service, we pay you for your used trucks regardless of make and model of your used truck. You just need to share your used truck details after calling us on and we’ll update you how much cash you can get for your used truck. We don’t consider make, model, age and condition of used truck when buying. We simply get details of your used truck and after analyzing we offer you cash for it. If you get satisfied with our quote, then we make it a deal after paying you cash for your used truck on spot.
Many times you sell used truck very cheap without knowing you can get good money with our cash for used trucks service. Just give us a call for quick words regarding your used truck. We’ll guide you on every step regarding sale of your used truck.
How much cash for used truck – up to $13,999
In order to determine price of your truck, we always ask your truck make, model, year, condition and your location. After getting all details, we can quote up to $13,999 for your used truck. As good your truck, more money into your pocket. Our experience and diversity in buying every truck for good money has made us Victoria’s top Truck Buyer Melbourne. Now we are top paid used truck buyers in Melbourne.
0405 595 026
Free used truck removal for cash
Now one for our best services that you’ll get benefit directly is our free collection of used trucks Melbourne. Through this service we pick up used trucks without charging you. We’ve designed free truck removals Melbourne program for all used, scrap and junk trucks. So, you can remove your trucks for cash and without any charges for towing of your vehicle.
Cash for used trucks service areas
In order to get our cash for used trucks Melbourne service, you just need to be in Geelong, Melbourne, Ballarat and Bendigo areas. We can come to these location to buy your truck for cash. And you’ll no need of paying any extra for removal of your used truck.